Today I slept. read. slept. sneezed. slept. watched Hunchback of Notre Dame for the 4th time. The only time I got out of bed was to get cotton balls and cold medicine at Super Pharm and then WackyMac (they didn't have Ramen noodles or adequate instant soup mix)
They don't sell cold medicine over the counter. You have to ask the pharmacist for permission. I waited in line for 15ish minutes for the pharmacist behind the counter. He wore a lab coat and had a unibrow shaped like a crow flying in the distance.
This was the conversation that transpired between me and dr. unibrow:
Dr. U: ?שלום. איך אני יכול לעזור לך
Me: What? I don't speak Hebrew.
Dr. U: How may I help you?
Me: I am sick. I have a cold.
Dr. U: Can you describe you symptons? Do you have a cough?
Me: No. My throat hurts, my nose is dripping. My hair tingles, my body's tired. My head feels like it's imploding and exploding at the same time.
Dr. U: You have symptons that are the same for this (he turns around and pulls out a box the size of three sticks of butter)
Me: Is that Nyquil?
Dr. U: Ze Acamol Tsinun Lee-quee-jellz. It will make you better.
(Dr. U mumbles something about dosage and asks me if i'm allergic to anything)
Me: Nope. Thanks.
Dr. U: Betach. With cotton balls, 50 NIS. Feel Better. Shana Tova!
So I've been sleeping because we have ulpan tomorrow. Just got a text that we are going to an israeli radio station and they're paying for our lunch and dinner.
I had no idea today was 9-11 or that we're switching the clocks back. Noa screwed up the T.V so we don't get BBC anymore. I am stuck in my own bubble.
I'm on the mend, though. There are yellow pills for the day and red pills for the night. My head is clearing up. I showered. It's all sababa.
AND we just killed our first cockroach. It flew. It had antennae like Wahowwwww. I speared its head with a squeegee and then its legs were still moving so my roommate chucked an ashtray at it. Then i flushed it down the john. We shrieked like girls. Pictures to follow.
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