I had the craziest dream last night.
We were in an abandoned subway station in France where a strip of underground, chic restaurants were carved into the platforms. As our family was waiting for a table outside one of the cafes, we followed a small trickle of fire ants to a giant hole in the stucco walls
swelling with ants. We were just about to be seated and Sarah and I were picking each others noses.
Suddenly a cobra emerges from the fire ant hole and sticks out a human tongue. It devours an ant, then a cicada, then gradually larger animals: a mouse, a rat, a possum, a cat. I was screaming like a howler monkey. No one in the cafe noticed.
I was then at an Amity Basketball game, and everyone from my school was there. Tommy was dressed in a furry hat and multiple feather boas. I brought watermelon (isn't that what sports moms do at sporting events?) I was really self-conscious for some reason...like this was my High School reunion. The watermelon didn't run out. I shared it with all my friends and used it as a conversation starter (Hi! Want some watermelon? Now give me a recap of your career endeavors since we graduated in 2010). I gave my bowl of watermelon to Andy and when I came back, the watermelon had changed to green apple slices. I was really pissed at him. I awoke to the sound of my phone when Olivia called me at 7:30 AM. I was angry.
It's off to painting with Talia. Just thought I'd write this somewhere so I don't forget. They say recording your dreams is the first step towards controlling your dreams (lucid dreaming). So that's that.
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